Paint It Forward- Great Circle Charity Event

Click the picture to be taken to the Paint It Forward Event Page on Facebook
We’ve already started our first phase of our “Great Circle- Paint It Forward” charity event and it’s going fantastic!
The volunteers for this charity paint are all smiling and having a good time while doing a great thing for these kids who could really use something to cheer them up.
But, what I’ve noticed so far, was that these kids all look extremely happy. Watching them learning in their classrooms and seeing them in the hallways from time to time they always have smiles on their faces. A few kids have even told us “Thank you” as they passed by. This goes to show what a great job Great Circle and it’s staff are doing for these kids.
If you would like to help us paint, even if it’s just for a few hours, you can come join us. And you don’t have to be a professional painter! We’ll have people on site who can show you what to do, and we have all tools necessary to complete the tasks. All we need is you! We have a Facebook Event page started for the charity paint and we’re updating everyone on it, including volunteer work schedules. You can go to the link below for more information on how to join up.